
Individual Support for Children

Some of the children have extremely poor family backgrounds and face severe challenges in life. It’s the mission of ROSE to support these children

Isnapur is a small village in the outskirts of Hyderabad in Central India where ROSE “adopted” a local school in very poor condition and supports it financially, to bring a better education to the kids. The cycle of poverty is hard to escape from. This school Is a stepping stone for children in the area into a brighter and happier outlook. From there, they can transcend into becoming successful adults and hopefully escape the grasp of Poverty.

A supported school is a pillar of new life, education, training, networking and stability in the community – it represents the parent’s hopes and dreams for their children. It is the only realistic stepping stone out of poverty these kids are ever going to have. Many Parents having received little to no education themselves severely underestimate the effect of education. Because of this many fear to be actively involved in their kids’ education and what that entails. When you build a strong and independent school, you transform the lives of the hundreds of children and their families in the process.

Some of the children have extremely poor family backgrounds and face severe challenges in life. It’s the mission of ROSE to support these children and ensure that they are able to be educated in the school classes and and supported by the school and society. ROSE want these children to escape from poverty.

"The Best anti-poverty program is a world-class education." Barack Obama

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

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Email: info@rose-india.org

B. Mahesh

Mahesh is 12 years old. He is studying in 7th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

His father Sailu and mother Bujjamma are both private employees. Their monthly income is 100 EUR and they are living in rented small house in the village.

His elder brother Vishnu is studying at 8th class at same school. He has a younger brother Chandu as well, who joins the primary school.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Mahesh´s ambition is to join police force to protect people. He is interested in sports activities. Therefore, he needs some sports equipment and sports shoes, etc. to be physically fit. He also needs some good clothing and stationery for school.

Additionally, paying rent is a big financial burden for the family that ROSE can help out with.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Mahesh with:

  • Monthly financial support for the family especially for food
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform, some sport clothes and other reasonable clothes
  • Health care

B. Pochamma

B. Pochamma is 13 years old and studying in 8th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

B. Pochamma is the youngest of 2 children. Her family moved from a neighbour state to this village in search of work and better treatment of her mentally challenged elder brother. Her father is a daily wage worker with a monthly irregular income of approx. 70 EUR. In order to pay hospitals bills of her brother, the mother is forced to work in hard labor and keep B. Pochamma home as a “babysitter” for the mentally handicapped brother.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Pochamma is used to singing local folk songs for her brother to keep him calm and busy. This has caused her to become greatly interested in singing and broadening her repertoire. She writes her own lyrics and composes folk songs. Her dream is to become a talented singer in future and have more people listen to her music.

She participates in all extracurricular activities in the school and has received multiple awards for her talented singing performances!

She also got many prizes in sports and writing stories about her dreams. She is afraid of changes in her family’s financial conditions and the effects it might have on the duration and quality of the education in her future. Besides helping her, this family needs all the support for the son to put him into a training center for mentally challenged kids. There he will be well taken care of and puts less strain on the family.

To improve their current situation, ROSE wants to support the family with:

  • Monthly financial support to gain a place in a training center for mentally challenged kids
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform and reasonable clothes
  • Health care
  • A continued safe place for education and growth

J. Lavanya

Lavanya is 14 years old and studies in 9th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

Lavanya lives in one of the small neighbour villages. She is oldest of three daughters. Her father passed away 5 years ago. Her mother is illiterate. In search of work, the family moved to Isnapur on one of their friend´s advice, as there are industries in and around Isnapur to find some labor and job opportunities.

With a monthly income of 50 EUR the family has struggled since day one. Lavanya started helping her mother in cooking, washing utensils, washing clothes and taking care of the younger sisters. There have been times when she was unable to attend school due to having to take care of the siblings and the house while her mother is working.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Lavanya is learning in the school tailoring training center supported by ROSE and started earning some pocket money by stitching pretty works.

She has an interest in tailoring and her dream is to become a fashion designer and to start a boutique. To enhance her training she needs some more raw materials like clothes, buttons and decorations. For her regular studies she needs support for buying stationary and most other school supplies. Recently we have become worried about her health as she is anemic and severely lacks a regular nutritious diet.

We have observed stunted growth for her age group and need to get her some extra nutritional supplements to recover normal growth for an adolescent girl.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Lavanya with:

  • Financial support of family especially for food for Lavanya and her siblings
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: Paying for the school uniforms and other reasonable clothes
  • Providing some material to improve her stitching skills
  • Transportation fee to school (bus tickets)
  • Health care

Mahesh Chandu

Mahesh is studying in 5th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

Mahesh is from a small remote village. His father is a daily wage earner. Unfortunately the mother has died. Since there was no work found in his native birth place, his father along with Mahesh and his younger brother moved to Isnapur in 2008 with no money in their pockets and no personal belongings. The family lives in a small rented apartment. Their monthly income is around 90 EUR. Mahesh's family struggles to survive like so many in the area.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Mahesh's dreams big, he told us that once one officer came to the school in a car when he was in class III, since then his ambition has been to study hard and get well-paying job and drive in a good car.

Mahesh is very much concerned about environment, particularly the use of plastics. He has given a great presentation on how harmful it is for the environment to overuse plastics in our daily lifes. We were very much impressed by the professional and concise way he presented at his early age.

It is difficult for Mahesh to afford his school stationery, clothes, and other daily needs.

He needs support for a regular supply of groceries so that he doesn´t need to worry about food at home when he comes back from school and he can concentrate on his studies. The family lives in a rented home and sometimes it is difficult for paying the rent due to other expenses and the landlord could force them to leave the apartment.

To improve his current situation, ROSE wants to support Mahesh's family with:

  • Financial support, especially for food
  • School supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: Paying for the school uniforms and other reasonable clothes
  • Nutrition, he is often not provided with breakfast
  • Health care

Navaneeta P.

Navaneetha is studying Accounting, ROSE recently paid 20k Rs for her College fees.

Family background:

Navaneetha's family is poor. Her mother is a divorcee and Navaneeta has a younger brother. She would have stopped her studies but with the help of ROSE she had been able to continue to higher studies.

Navaneetha's mother works in a laundry shop where the earnings are very low and cannot cover the expenses for her daughter's studies.

Persoanl goals and required sponsorship:

Navaneetha wants to continue with her studies and has an ambition to become a Chartered Accountant. She wants ROSE to help in attaining her goal in reaching the last step out of the previous life she has led.

To continue with college and to be fully trained, she needs a financial help of 1000 EUR/year to cover the college fees.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Navaneetha with:

  • Monthly financial support for college fees and rent for shared room in a dorm
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Health care
  • All the things necessary for Navaneetha to realise her dreams and escape poverty

Prasanth B.

Prasanth is 16 years old, he is studying in 10th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

Prasanth is one of the unfortunate children to have lost his father at an early age. He joined the school in the 7th standard class with a very meagre income in the family. His mother is working in a nearby factory. Prashanth has a sister aged 13. He wants to become a Mechanical engineer. It is difficult to manage the house with the very poor income of a single mother of approx. 65 EUR/month. They are living in a rented house always unsure of the future.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Nutrition for Prashanth and his sister is extremely insufficient. His mother's earnings are not at all sufficient to lead a normal life. He needs clothing and good, nutritious food at home.

Furthermore, some equipment is needed for his studies. He needs a small study table and table lamp (battery driven) to concentrate on his studies and homework. He has to walk to school for an hour to school as he lives far away from school. A bicycle will make his life a lot easier.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Prasanth with:

  • Monthly financial support for the family for food
  • Study table and lamp
  • Bicycle to come to school
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform and reasonable clothes
  • Health care / Clean water


Rupa is 13 years old. She is studying in 7th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

Rupa's father is Narsingh Rao works as a private employee. Her mother Latha works as tailor. Their monthly income is 60 EUR.

Rupa has three younger sisters and a younger brother: Yamini, Harika, Pavani and Naga who are studying in primary school in Isnapur village. They are living in their own small house in the village.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Rupa is a very ambitious girl. She is studying very well. She needs a proper study table and a table lamp (battery driven) at home to concentrate on her studies. She spends two to three hours a day studying separate from school work. One of her biggest interests is science and we are working in getting more books for her to study.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Rupa with:

  • Monthly financial support for the family especially for food
  • Some furniture, e.g. study table, table lamp, etc.
  • Educational supplies and materials, study books
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform, some sport clothes and other reasonable clothes
  • Health care


Sandhya ist 16 Jahre alt und besucht die 10. Klasse der Telugu Medium Zilla Parishad High School in Isnapur.

Family background:

Sandhya's father is dead. Her mother does not have enough means to cover the family's needs. Her monthly income is 60 EUR and even buying food is pushing their financial situation to a limit.

Sandhya's older sister Dharani, is studying at BHEL Govt. College. Her younger brother Ganesh, is studying in 8th class at BHEL Govt. College.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

Sandhya's way to school is quite long and difficult for a girl alone. having a bicycle would improve her situation.

She is studying hard and willing to be accepted at a good college. We want to help Sandhya with sufficient nutrition and health care.

Sandhya needs financial support for :

  • monthly familiy income, esp. for buying food
  • bicycle for Sandhya's way to school
  • school material and books
  • extracurricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform and workaday clothes
  • health care


Uday is 13 years old. He joins the 7th class at ZPHS Isnapur School.

Family background:

Uday's father Sreenu and mother Kondama are labor workers and their income is 60 EUR/month.

Uday has one elder sister Jyothi who is illiterate and a labor worker too, and he has two elder brothers. Nagaraju is a labor worker and Yesuraju who is joining 7th class at the same school.

The family is living in a rented house in Isnapur village.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

As the family is big, it is difficult to sustain the entire family financially. All children need to continue their studies seriously. Otherwise all of them have to go for labor works to cover the expenses for rent and food.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Uday with:

  • Monthly financial support for the family especially for food
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform and other reasonable clothes
  • Health care


Vamsi is 13 years old and studying in 6th class in Zilla Parishad High School Isnapur.

Family background:

Vamsi's father passed away. He was an alcoholic and suffered a big stroke of jaundice, a liver related disease. His mother Sujata works as a laborer. Their family income is meagre 60 EUR/month. They are living in a rented house in the village Isnapur.

Vamsi has one elder sister Sindhu studying in 8th class in same school and an elder brother Bhubaneswar studying 9th class in school in neighbor village.

Personal goals and required sponsorship:

amsi wants to join the army and serve the nation. He is very ambitious.

He has to walk to school every day, ROSE wants to provide him with a bicycle to make it more comfortable to reach school quickly and on time. Furthermore, he needs some sport equipment (sport shoes, etc.) to practice volleyball and football which will help in his extra activities and preparing him for the physical requirements for the army.

To improve the current situation, ROSE wants to support Vamsi with:

  • Monthly financial support for the family especially for food
  • Bicycle to come to school
  • Education supplies and materials
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clothing: school uniform, reasonable clothes and sport shoes
  • Health care

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