Our Activities

News from the ROSE Tech lab

We are happy to see our students advancing their tailoring and computer skills at the ROSE Tech lab. While the students at the sewing machines are creating wonderfully colorful clothes and bags the other children at the computer are getting proficient in spreadsheet calculating and word processing.

Independence Day at the girls school in Patancheru

On August 15th students and teachers at the Patancheru girls school celebrated India's Indepence Day with a flag ceremony.

Message from G. Glory

My name is G. Glory. I'm studying intermediate 1st year at ZPHS Isnapur. My father is a driver and my mother is a housewife.

I learned tailoring in school 8th class to 10th class. Rose foundation helped them for that. I Heartly THANK YOU SO MUCH Rose.

Now I earn money with my tailoring skills. I'm sewing and tailoring at home and studying also. My minimum monthly income is 8k to 10k (approx. 100 EUR). I can stand on my own feet with tailoring. We are confident that we will be happy doing tailoring in the future as well.

Message from Srija Pathuri

We recieved a message from Srija Pathuri who was admitted to the Dental College:

"I am Srija Pathuri, writing this letter in gratitude.

While I was studying my 9th class, Rose Foundation came to our school. They helped our school to develop library and lab facilities and encouraged us to study. For a science fair I personally met the team of Rose foundation and German delegates who visited our school. They interacted with me regarding my project I displayed in the event, they liked it a lot gave me inputs for further improvements to be made in project. Specially motivated me to secure good score in my Board exams.

Once I achieved the expected scores, they helped me financially to get admission for further level of education (11th&12th). Being a girl from rural background it’s not easy to aim for high and achieve it, my dream is to be a doctor and serve the society. After my primary education from ZPHS Isnapur school, ROSEFoundation has helped to take the first step of my goal, helped me to join the college where medicine entrance exam preparation was focused in academics that helped me gain good knowledge in fundamental concepts.

Specially YV Rao sir and Seshaiah sir personally tracked my progress in regular intervals they took time and efforts visited my college and had communicated with my principal regarding my performance in studies and gave inputs to achieve good grades. Not only financially, but Rose foundation gave me moral support which boost my confidence.

In pandemic situation also, they never failed to support me, They have been the main reason in molding my career. When I was facing major health issues, they been a great moral support.

Today I got the admission into dental college, and always thankful to Rose Foundation for their support. Rose foundation inspired me to evolve as a good student with great empathy.

I’ll be thankful for everything and am always ready to help and serve you.

Thanks & Regard,

Message from Harsha Dasari

We have recieved another thank-you letter from our former student Dasari Harshavardhan who is now working as a design engineer:

"A sincere gratitude from Harshavardhan Dasari for your financial support to fulfill my dream to become an engineer. As I am from below the poverty line it was very difficult to pay my engineering fee for my parents.

In my class 10 (2014) Rose adopted me and provided me with notebooks, bags and study material etc. After my class 10th, I have joined in 3 years Diploma in Electrical & Electronics engineering course & Rose paid my one year tuition fee.

I have successfully completed my graduation in 2020 with your support. I got placed in campus placement itself and now I am working for Congruex as a design engineer based at Punjab, India. I am really thankful to Mr.YV Rao Sir & Mr. Seshaiah Sir for continuous guidance and support. Once again thank you all for your great service. I really encourage Rose to expand its wings for needy people."

Inauguration of Tech lab postponed

Unfortunately we had to postpone the inauguration of our new Tech lab due to the recent Covid wave in India. We are not sure if we can do any such activites during this semester at all.

The Tech lab had been set up with ten computers, tables and other technical infrastructure with the help of the Gitam University.

Message from Dasari Harshavardhan

We have recieved a thank-you letter from our adopted student Dasari Harshavardhan:

"...I am very humbled and grateful for the numerous financial contributions you have made in support of my education. Without ROSE help, I may never have been able to complete my studies. Your generosity and help have been an inspiration to me. I have no words to thank ROSE, but I want you to know that I will never forget what you did for me. Again, Thank you very much ROSE for your encouragement and financial support since my class 9 to till now.

I would like to express my personal gratitude to YV Rao sir for all the assistance you have provided me during my job search. I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me.
Thank you,


New Tech lab with computers

As the Covid-19 situation is getting better and schools started opining slowly we finally upgraded the Tech lab at the ZPH school. Witht the help from volunteers from the Gitam University we were able to set up the computers. We hope to open the tech lab soon.

New infrared thermometer and pulse oximeter for tailoring center

While the normal classes at the ZPHS Isnapur School have not yet fully started, some students are already working at the tailoring center. We were provided with a new infrared thermometer, pulse oximeters and hand sanitizers.
Only students with normal temperature and oxigen levels are admitted to the school. Futhermore everybody is obliged to use hand sanitizers.

Award for headmistress Mrs Spandana

Mrs Spandana, the headmistress of the ZPHS Isnapur School is awarded as best headmistress by the Department of Education. On hearing these great news the Mayor and all teachers felicitated her. Mrs Spandana statet that this award is also to to the support of ROSE. The actual award ceremony by the Government will be held later.

Students sew over 1000 COVID-19 masks

Students at the ZPHS Isnapur School are sewing face masks that help prevent the spread of COVID-19. They are going to produce about 1000 masks that will be distributed for free. Naturally, social distancing and hygiene habits are maintained at all times.

Cotton cloth bags sewn by our students

India ist struggling to dispose massive quantities of plastic waste from packaging material, wrappers and single-use plastic bags. Plastic waste often ends up in the environment, polluting water, lands and killing animals.

The girls in grades 8-10 at the ZPHS Isnapur School have shown their increased environmental awareness by sewing reusable cotton cloth bags with the Rose emblem that can replace single-use plastic bags.

Following a pattern and a pre-printed piece of fabric, they sew 30 bags with the sewing machines that had been donated by ROSE. The bags were presented to the two founders Eva and Robert Fellner-Feldegg. With gratitude they took the elaborately made bags to hand them over to the many donors in Germany.

500 stainless steel plates for our students

ROSE has donated 500 breakfast steel plates for our school's students. We had already made arrangements for supplying breakfast for some students when the government anticipated our decision and started giving out free breakfast to all of our students. We are happy to be the initiators of this positive development.

Positive media coverage of our empowering girls project

Most Indian language dailies, some English newspapers and even TV stations covered our project with Charlotte Leonhard und Russell Gard.

The top bureaucrat of the Province has given instructions to all the schools in their jurisdiction to study how to produce reusable sanitary napkins. The tailoring teacher says she is getting regular calls and inquiries from different schools. ROSE is making an impact!

Artikel in the Hindu
Artikel in The Hans India

Empowering girls to make their lives healthy and hygienic

The social activists Charlotte Leonhardsen and Russell Gard from Glossop, UK visited our school in October 2019. With the help of the tailoring teacher Ms. Easwari they taught the girls how to sew reusable sanitary napkins. Charlotte is working for an organization called "The Bureau – Glossop’s Community Wellbeing Charity" wich is concerned about women's health and hygiene in their community as well as worldwide.

While sanitary products are available for free at schools in the UK, it is still impossible or very expensive for women and girls in Southeast Asia and India to buy sanitary products. Girls often stay at home during their period and miss school.

The girls at our school are now provided with sewing classes for reusable sanitary napkins and a vending machine for disposable sanitary napkins as well as an incinerator for proper disposal. Each girl can have seven napkins per month for free. Furthermore there are special health and hygiene classes for girls.

New Equipment for the science room

A microscope as well as the basic equipment for chemistry and physics lessons were handed over by ROSE. The devices were presented through presentations by the students. The lectures by individual students were very impressive.

New playground with Cricket and Volleyball area

The new playground donated by ROSE is highly regarded, as Hyderabad is extremely rocky and therefore there are few straightened areas suitable for cricket, volleyball and other ball games. The creation of the area has cost about 10,000 euros.

Two students qualify for a sports school

Two boys of ZPHS Isnapur School qualified for a sports school admission for their extraordinary performance in 1000 meters running. ROSE is supporting the development of athletically talented children as well.

Fresh white walls at the ZPHS Isnapur School

Teachers and students enjoy the new environment of the freshly painted school. With the support of six helpers and the funding by ROSE, the work was done in a breeze.

Developing Tailoring skills

Our school is proud to offer new tailoring courses to the students. We were lucky to find Ms. Easwari, the new tailoring teacher. Many of the girls living in rural areas break up highschool or college due to financial and other reasons. If they develop tailoring skills before, they may be able to become self-employed tailors and can support the family. Empowering girls and supporting poor families in one of ROSE's main tasks.

ROSE assists in funding the school

First we have to complete masonry and then the carpentry. After completing the same we will go for white washing.

ROSE donated three bookcases to the school library

As per the request of the school Management headed by the Head Mrs. Spandana ROSE donated three bookcases to the school library.

ROSE hands over 3 computers

ROSE has delivered three Dell computers to the school.

Child Support

In the past, we were able to donate tables and chairs to accommodate about 80 students. We also collected books to build a library. Currently we have almost 200 books. We still collect more. Not only do we donate books, but study material such as pens, pencils and school bags as well. We pay the salary for two teachers on behalf of the school. In addition we adopted four girls and two boys who are very promising in their education but have a very poor family background. For all students we organized an educational tour to ICRISAT a world bank project in the nearby province.



So far we have collected more than 250 english books with this number increasing day by day thanks to the International School Augsburg´s (ISA) commitment to donation, which has already set up a permanent collection box frequently used by both parents and staff.

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